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„Europe of Nations Career Program”
Joint Course of the Ludovika University of Public Service and the Ministry of European Union Affairs Budapest, Hungary

The Ludovika University of Public Service (Budapest) in cooperation with the Ministry of European Union Affairs have launched the “Europe of Nations Career Program” in September 2020 with the objective of preparing Hungarian young professionals and public servants for a successful selection procedure of the European Personnel Selection Office, thus increasing the overall number of Hungarians in the institutions of the European Union.

In order to enhance the efficiency of the lobbying skills of Hungary within the EU it is of vital importance to educate highly qualified, well-prepared young Hungarian professionals and public servants who possess the proper EU-institutional, legal and language knowledge.

The duration of the first “Europe of Nations Career Program” in 2020/2021 was 6 months but from the second year (2021-2022) on the Program has been extended to a one-year-Program (two semesters).
The application is open to every Hungarian university students who completed at least 8 semesters or to every Hungarian citizens under the age of 35 with a BA-/MA-degree or to public servants.
There are 5 professional and 5 English EU-language classes a week, contributing to the EU-professional trainings there are other skills development (communication, negotiation, conflict management) trainings. In the frame of the conversation series called “Club Europe” we regularly provide the opportunity for current and graduated participants (Alumni) of the Europe of Nations Career Program to exchange ideas on current EU-affairs with high-level domestic and foreign guests experienced in EU politics.
The Program ends with a final exam and a practice EPSO-test. Those who pass the exam (with a result of at least 70%) receive a certificate.
Programme director is Gergely Prőhle, programme director of the John Lukacs Institute for Strategic and Politics, former ambassador to Berlin and to Bern.

Aims of the course

Main goal: to increase the number of Hungarian EU-professionals at the EU-institutions and at the Hungarian public administration as well, who

  • are equally committed to the future of Europe and Hungary,
  • possess good EU policy knowledge,
  • are  fluent in foreign languages.

Requirements for application

  • Whose applications do we accept?
    • Hungarian citizens
    • Civil servants with BA/MA degree (who have been working in public administration for at least 1 year) or
    • who are working outside the public administration with BA-/MA-degree under the age of 35 and
    • graduate university students.
    • high-level of English (knowledge of an one other official EU-language is an advantage)
    • successful fulfilment of the selection process (written part and orientation interview).
  • Admission requirement:
    • A high level of English, knowledge of an additional EU official language is an advantage
    • Successful fulfilment of the selection process (written part and orientation interview)

Main subjects

  • EU law,
  • History of the EU and its institutions,
  • Administration and functioning of EU institutions,
  • EU-policies and decision-making,
  • Differentiated integration in theory and in practice,
  • EU communication,
  • Current economic challenges of the EU,
  • EU Diplomacy,
  • EU-policy of Hungary – efficient lobbying,
  • Focusing on Climate Change – Green policy of the EU,
  • Functioning of the European Parliament in practice – lobbying in the EU,
  • Representation of national positions,
  • EU-policies of the Member States,
  • EU professional language.

Club Europe

In the frame of the conversation series called “Club Europe” we regularly provide the opportunity for current and graduated participants (Alumni) of the Europe of Nations Career Program to exchange ideas on current EU-affairs with high-level domestic and foreign guests experienced in EU politics.
Guests of the Club Europe so far were:

  • Íñigo Mendez de Vigo former Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union;
  • Jean-Louis Bourlanges, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly;
  • György Fóris, Hungarian EU expert, founder of Bruxinfo;
  • Ursula Plassnik former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, former Austrian ambassador to Paris and to Bern;
  • Rocco Buttiglione, former Minister for EU-policies, nominated for a post as European Commissioner;
  • Kevin Roberts, President of The Heritage Foundation;
  • Christian Schmidt, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Pascal Boniface, founding Director of the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), Paris;
  • Noëlle Lenoir, Former Minister for European Affairs of France, Former memberof the French Constitutional Council;
  • Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General for Human Resources and Security, European Commission.


  • 1st class (2020/2021) – 47 participants
  • 2nd class (2021/2022) – 17 participants
  • 3rd class (2022/2023) – 18 participants

82 participants have already completed successfully the Programme

  • Alumni-network:
    • Invitations to Club Europe events
    • Infos about job and other application opportunities (e.g. Blue Book Traineeship)
    • Get together & experience sharing with the current participants (e.g. Conference weekend, in Brussels, etc.)
    • Further opportunity to publish writings on „Telescope” blog